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Agronomist - Winemaker Expert in viticulture, oenology, olive growing and truffle growing. Competent in the efficient technical management of the winery, with good experience both in the cellar and in the vineyard and international experience with winemakers from different schools, I'm available for the following services: VITICULTURE - OLIVE GROWING and FRUIT GROWING: phytopathological monitoring; biological and integrated pest management; maturation monitoring; pruning management; soil management; vineyard design; bureaucracy management. OENOLOGY: design of the cellar; fermentation management; refinement management; cellar hygiene management; record keeping and bureaucracy; regulatory advice on the label. Other Services: Drafting of investment projects; Agronomic appraisals; Forestry plants for truffle growing.
Representative: Paride Porpora
via Santamaria Amato, 84080 Pellezzano (SA) | google map
3200858322 | | parideporpora.it | parideporpora@gmail.com

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